Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AS midterm

Yesterday I took my AS midterm.
*pray to God that all will be well*

Sorry, no idea what else to post.

How come a lot of dailies posts lately?
Because there's not many interesting things that happened other than daily life (classes, projects, etc) - a sign that school is getting more hectic.

Oh, I miss the first half of the term.. It was still hectic, but not only for schoolwork. I managed to survived THREE productions (HONK!, Choir [twice], and GAYA). Sigh...

But I guess it's nice to be busy although it might be stressful sometimes. *can't imagine what I'm going to do when I'm not busy*

I have to start planning for my summer holiday. Do something useful.. Maybe, start up a small business? and treat it as another project =D. 8).


  1. Zadok Elia said...

    Anak Hua Ind banget... hehe...

    Just take your time to rest a while, Lyn. Jangan sampe semua yang kita lakukan ternyata ga ada efek buat masa depan.

    Small business project, hm? Sounds challenging... ^^ you can try it.

  2. E.S. said...

    Apanya yang anak Hua Ind, Dok?

    Nggak loh, dulu di Hua Ind rasanya nggak se-hectic ini, hiks hiks...

  3. amari said...

    all the best buat AS loe ya! moga2 loe pass =)

    eh2, ambil summer term yuk! ambil mpw bareng2..hehe

  4. E.S. said...

    jangan pass doang dong...
    A gitu kek moga2nya, LOL. (ni desperate kejar grade demi nutupin COMM)

    gw gak ambil summer term thn ini yes. 3A ke russia, 3B pulang.. sori2. next year ato the year after deh ya? =]