Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tipping Point

I've been quite worn out these few weeks due to a lot of presentations and projects. But finally after this week I only have 1 presentation left =). But final exams are looming in 3 weeks. I'm going to psycho myself to work for it, =P. *go for finals!*

Anyway, last week I went to Borders with my parents then bought two books. One of the books are the one that I've been wanting to buy: Gray's Anatomy -- a medical book, but it's put on bargain so I got it at only around $19 which is totally worth it (according to me). I only glanced a bit of it but because there are a lot of medical terms I'm not reading it for the time being. Maybe next time when I feel like it haha.

However, the other book is a business book, listed in the top 10 list for business book. It's called Tipping Point. I havent finished reading it but so far I think it is really a good book. And anyway it's not only for business, I really can apply it in other aspects of life. Actually what motivated me to buy this book is because the day before I had a demoralizing consultation with my prof regarding my D+ paper. *LOL*

Here is the story: I showed Prof my assignment and he read through it. And actually what destroys the whole message credibility is only the first two paragraphs (or maybe to pinpoint it further, the second paragraph). Whereas, everything else (3rd & 4th paragraphs) are actually doing very well. He told me how those two horrifying opening paragraphs destroy the credibility of the message. He also told me how a bit difference in the words used in those paragraphs can make a huge difference. Maybe D+ to A+? hahah.. maybe not A+ but B+ :p

So in the end I can't change the grade. But I learned the hard way how something very minor such as the choice of words can destroy the whole thing. This is an exact example of the famous Indonesian proverbs: "Karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga". ~ A tint of red ink will destroy the whole container of milk (literal translation)

When I went to Borders last week, I was walking through the business section and saw an interesting cover with a slanted matchstick imprinted on it. And I read the summary. And I found out how it is actually what has been happening to me in my D+ grade. Without further ado (also considering that it's NYT #1 bestseller), I bought it.

So far it has been an enjoyable read and I highly recommend this book for everybody else =D

*** Notes: it's really a coincidence how I found that book only one day after I had my consultation. But anyways, this kind of things happen to my life a lot. After having a great experience (be it good or bad but still memorable in some ways), I will find other things which I can relate my previous experience to.


  1. amari said...

    untung semua presentasi dan proyek udah abis ya eve! minggu ini emang udah habis berapa hari nih buat econs. udah sebal. BGS ama stats belum kepegang...hiih.

    tentang nilai comm emang sadis ya..jangan terlalu dimasukin hati ya. itu ada finalnya gak? kalo ada, berusaha ya! kalo gak ya...paling gak loe udah tau salah dimana..jadi bisa lebih hati2 ):

    all the best buat exam loe ya =)