Monday, September 15, 2008


I just saw a phrase in one of my friends' blog here. There is something that caught my eyes immediately: the phrase 'Kecoak yang Ingin Hidup' which literally translates to 'A Cockroach that wants to live'.

Hearing this phrase in my friends' blog brought me back to last Monday. I was in TWC class then. One of my group mates (who coincidentally has three same classes with me) complained to us: "I wish I'm a cockroach". That was the reason why I felt inspired to write this post after reading the phrase I stated earlier (A Cockroach that wants to live).

So.. I have two friends saying a familiar thing about a cockroach life (which now reminds me about A Bug's Life).

Well, I don't really read what my friend said in his blog (too lazy). But my classmate's phrase had been echoing in my head. She said she wished she was a cockroach because of the abominable workload SMU had. (indeed, I now agree with you, C).

Then after she said that my other groupmate asked her: why cockroach? And she said that as a cockroach we don't need to think. We just live.

Sounds like a good life, huh?

But then what's the purpose of living?

No offense to you, C. I know people can be very tired some of the time. But don't be stressed out. Enjoy the life you are living now as a human. Because you can only enjoy when you are human. You cannot feel at all if you are a cockroach. So be grateful with the life you have.

Being busy is one of modern people problems nowadays. We have so many things to catch up and so little time (just like what Prof. Kan said in my first TWC class).

I, too, have time when I wish I can enjoy the easy life. But life is not easy. It rarely is. So.. I guess we need to cope with what we have in our hands and enjoy our time.

Urm.. does this make sense? I'm not really coordinated as I'm quite sleepy now... :P

I think when I get the inspiration from Maihe's blog, I managed to motivate myself by using this post. Thanks, Maihe (though you might not read this)




  1. Zadok Elia said...

    Hehe... aku juga baru menyadari kalo blognya MaiHe ini menginspirasi setelah kau tulis, Eve...

    So funny..hehe

    If Keceng's a cockroach, then I want to be the wings of cockroaches. A flying cockroach is more exciting, right? hehe...

  2. E.S. said...

    Hahaha.. Benernya itu juga kebetulan kok membaca phrase 'kecoak yang ingin hidup' dalam waktu singkat setelah temenku itu bilang pingin jadi kecoak.

    But yeah, flying cockroach is interesting ^^.

    Nice to see you here :)

  3. Michael D.S.S. said...

    Wah... Syukur ya kalo blog aku bisa jadi inspirasi... Hehe... Aku harus lebih sering nulis nih... Fufufu... Kalo kecoak bersayap ditambahin stealth mode aja, biar ga terdeteksi en akhirnya bisa terus hidup... Haha... God Bless...